Saturday, August 28, 2010

38 weeks!

Sorry for the lack of pictures. I feel huge!! :-)

How Far Along: 38 weeks and 3 days!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 25 pounds

How Big is Baby: Your baby continues to grow this week and weighs about 6.8 pounds. His/her crown-to-rump length is still about 14 inches and total length is around 21 inches.

Maternity Clothes? Of course

Sleep: Sleep...huh? I woke up at 3 yesterday afternoon and then every hour after that until it was time to get up and go into work. Yeah, I'm not sleeping so well!!

Best Moment this Week: Realizing that my due date is now less than 2 weeks away, hopefully closer!!

Movement: Yep, however this little one is running out of room so the movements aren't as strong but boy do they feel uncomfortable!

Food Cravings: Nope.

Gender: Still a surprise!

Labor Signs: Still having a ton of Braxton Hicks contractions. I've started to feel some cramping too(sorry if that is too much information). We'll see if that means anything.

Belly Button In or Out? Outie of course. There is no where else for it to go!

Stretchmarks? Not really

How are you feeling: I've been feeling pretty uncomfortable and tired lately. I think my body is just about done carrying this little one. My energy level has gone down quite a bit and labor is looking more and more inviting!!

What I am looking forward to: The birth of our baby!!

What I miss: Feeling like my body is my own. Jon was laughing at me the other day because it seriously took me minute to turn myself over from one side to the other. Everything is more complicated with this belly!

Weekly Wisdom: Take a nap if you need it. My body has been more exhausted the past few weeks than it was the 1st trimester. Although I feel like I need to make sure everything is in place for the baby I also realized (with the help of my hubby) that if my body is telling me to take a nap, I should take a nap.

Milestones: Nothing new except that our baby could decide to make his or her appearance this week...We'll see!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Fun News

I had my (almost) 37 week appointment today. Surprisingly I am 3 centimeters dilated, 80% effaced, and at 0 station! In layman's terms...that's progress!! According to our Bradley class a woman can easily walk around 3 centimeters dilated or more for weeks before going into labor so this is nothing to get overly excited about. However, that news is encouraging. It just feels good to know that as of right now my body seems to know what it's doing. We'll see. Our doctor is going out of town Saturday and will be gone for a week so hopefully this little one stays put for a while longer. I will feel much better if this baby has time to cook for a few more weeks!! :-)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

When did this happen?

We're down to the home stretch now, but there are still a lot of things that we have to do to get ready for the baby. Many of these things are merely details...pack the hospital bags, preregister, make arrangements for the dog, stuff like that. Although most of these tasks are matters of simple details, one of our baby-related responsibilities caught me off guard recently.

On a Thursday evening, Kristen and I attended an open house for a pediatrician. We really liked the practice, the facilities and the doctor we spoke with. What threw me off was being back in a pediatrician's office again. Throughout my childhood, I saw Dr. Marvin Giddings as my pediatrician and despite the fact that visits to the doctor are rarely fun, I have nothing but positive memories of him.

But now I'm in a new pediatrician's office not as a patient, but as a parent. I really can't believe seems like I missed a step somewhere. When did I graduate from going to the pediatrician to bringing my child there? I don't know if I have ever felt more like an adult than I did standing and listening to vaccine schedules and insurance information. Now I'm picking a doctor for my child...I can't think of anything that could underscore more the huge (and exciting) changes that are coming in our lives.

Friday, August 13, 2010

36 weeks!!

How Far Along: 36 weeks 2 days

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 24 pounds

How Big is Baby: By this week of pregnancy your baby's crown-to-rump length reaches about 13.5 inches and the total length is approximately 20.7 inches. Your baby weighs about 6 pounds now.

Maternity Clothes? Umm, yeah!

Sleep: Sleep is very hard to come by. I wake up numerous times to use the restroom. Trying to turn over in bed is quite a feat and with the weather the way it has been I'm always hot when I sleep during the day. It's hard to get comfortable!

Best Moment this Week: We are now seeing my doctor every week. I'm measuring right on and everything still looks great. Next week my doctor will check for sure but Dr. Evans is pretty certain that our little one is heads down!! That's what I like to hear.

Movement: Yep, this little one always seems to be tossing and turning. Since he or she is running out of room the movements are getting to be a bit painful at times but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love knowing that our little one is healthy!

Food Cravings: Nope.

Gender: Still a surprise!

Labor Signs: It feels as if I'm having more braxton-hicks contractions. Next week my doctor is going to check and see if I've made any progress so I guess we'll know by then if anything is happening yet. I am completely fine letting this little one cook for a while longer!

Belly Button In or Out? Outie of course.

Stretchmarks? Nope. It's kind of weird that I don't have any yet but I'm not going to complain!! :-)

How are you feeling: Tired, uncomfortable and hot. This 90-100 degree weather is horrible and I hate even walking out of our apartment. Ugh. Besides that I'm getting more and more excited by the day. I am SO ready to hold our baby!

What I am looking forward to: Finding out next week if our little one is in the right position and just getting closer to meeting this baby!!

What I miss: Sleeping on my back and being able to move around without it being such a chore.

Weekly Wisdom: Well I've heard people say this all the time but I really want to do my best not to wish the next 4 weeks away. I want to enjoy what time I have left in this pregnancy even though my body is exhausted.

Milestones: As of next week my baby will be considered full-term!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Provision of Our Great God

Last month was so full of the goodness of God. It's not that His goodness changes, just sometimes my heart is in a better place to take notice. We have been so blessed by the amazing love and support we have received from our friends and family. My mom and sisters threw me a surprise shower in Pennsylvania when Jon and I went to visit in July. Here is just a small pictures of the graciousness of those closest to us.

And this is how the love of Christ was displayed...

Last weekend, two of my dear friends here in Louisville put together a wonderful shower for me. I've told Jon this numerous times but I never imagined I have would made such amazing godly friends through such a crazy job. That Saturday I was surrounded by tons of girl friends and some family too. What did I say? Yes, we are blessed beyond measure. I love these girls!!

Can I just say that many of these women have the love language of gift giving. Their generosity is so humbling.

Now Jon and I are busy organizing and preparing our apartment for our new addition. I can't even say how wonderful it feels to have little baby things all over the place. It makes this seem even more real. We have what we need, and are putting everything in it's I think we are about ready to meet our little one. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!